Friday, June 6, 2008

Storms and Urine

Actually, more specifically tornadoes....They suck! *whimpers in fear from tornadoes* TS and I are currently cowering in her basement, scared for our lives, and we are at the computer, since we heard this rumor that says the internet cures all wrongs. Yay for internet! lol.

Anyways, other than the tornado, I felt like posting. So I'm going to talk about Urinetown. If you guys haven't ever heard the music, you should. It's amazingly cool and complete with awesome chords. Urinetown is actually a Broadway-yes, I know it's astounding-and it talks about how people have to pay to use the bathroom and they get in trouble if they try to sneak it. But then this one guy comes along and frees the people, who then squander all the water and die because they're irresponsible idiots who don't understand conservation. Which, by the way, was understood and upheld by the former bad people government, and even though their rules were harsh and they basically killed people if they disobeyed, at least the majority lived. That's good, right?

Anyways, everyone dies except for the narrator, who is amazing and also a bad guy. But it's ok since he's absolutely amazing and has a song that talks about the privilege to pee. Oh, and he's the head cop by the way. Rather ironic, eh?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Yes, I know, I probably spelled the title wrong. But there's so many different ways to spell it, that eventually I gave up.

Anyways, I feel like talking about Twilight today. Most people have read the triology, soon to be a series, and I want to know what your opinions on it are. But please don't comment just to be mean or spiteful.

Personally, I think that while it's a well-written trilogy, with interesting characters, there could still be some improvements. For instance, as my friend TS likes to point out, Bella is nothing more than a boring Mary Sue-or is it Mary Jane... Oh well. On that part, I would have to agree just a little bit, though I would like to say that even though Bella has an affinity with doing laundry and being clumsy, that's what makes her human. Not every person has exciting lives where they can motorbike all day long. Furthermore, Bella is unable to really relate with people her age in Forks, and so is reduced to doing mundane activities such as laundry. I feel that it is completely understandable. After all, if you have slow internet, no really good friends, and it's always rainy, what else can you do? For Bella, it's laundry.

Anyways, that's all folks.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Heart Will Go On

Actually, it's 'My Fart Will Go On'. Well, to be really truthful, it's Weird Al. My friend TS, got me hooked on here, and now I feel the need to unleash my fearsome array of opinions on music, literature, and other random stuff. So most likely it'll be literature and music posts, however I might start talking about something else, so enjoy!