Monday, March 16, 2009


Really Lame Title, I know. So, I haven't blogged in awhile, but today when I was talking to my friend she got me started on a rant about school.

I go to a school that has a dress code. Note, that dress code is different from uniforms. A dress code is like uniforms in the sense that you have to wear certain articles of clothing, such as a polo. Uniforms is where they actually give you one set piece of clothing that doesn't change and that's what you wear all the time. The reason the school implemented the dress code is because they were having problems with clothing and indecent exposure, etc. Apparently, telling kids that they have to wear certain colored shirts and pants automatically solves that little problem. Wrong! Just because you tell people to wear a certain shirt doesn't mean that they still can't let their chest pop out the collar and roll up so their stomachs are exposed. Just like telling boys to wear a certain type of pants will make them magically wear them at waist level and keep their butts from hanging out. Contrary to popular opinion, I don't see pants that go down to your knees as appealing. I really don't find it "sexy" when I have to go up three flights of steps and the guy in front of me is baring his butt to the whole world. Save it for home. In fact, I love what
Obama has to say about it.
The way I see it, if the school administration really wanted to "clean up" the way we appear, don't give us a dress code where even freshmen realized the stupidity and pointlessness of it. Instead, give us the oh-so-unpopular-uniform. Personally, I could do without. Whenever I have to wear uniforms they either make me look stupid or have really itchy fabrics. Either one isn't great. But compared to a joke dress code, I'd take the uniform any day.

Anything that I have against the school is their idiotic rules. We have a rule that the only bathroom you can use on campus if it's during your lunch hour is in P building. I find the naming ironic, and it makes me wonder if they did that on purpose. Anyways, today I left lunch early to go to the library, and afterwards I went to the bathroom to wash my hands. It was after lunch and all. Anyways, I left the bathroom to go visit one of the teachers who is just down the hall. And I mean, right down the hall. Ok, I have to go down two halls, but it's not like I'm cutting through different classes and disrupting them. So I'm walking, and I got stopped by a hall monitor who asks me if I have a pass. Hello? It's my luinch hour. I'm sooo going to magicaly whip out a pass that says "Yes, I have permission to walk through the halls of the school I've attended for the last four years." I told the hall monitor, who was actually really nice, that no, I did not have a pass, it was in fact my lunch hour, and that I had just come from the bathroom and was on my way to visit a teacher. She informed me that next time I have to get a pass from the teacher. I find this hard to believe. Ok, so the school wants to make sure that we don't cause trouble in the halls, so they don't allow us in. But that's just a load of bs. If we wanted to cause trouble, we don't have to be in the halls to do it. The library, or the cafeteria, or even outside is just as suitable. But obviously, the school doesn't think that. It's just really annoying.


Morgan said...

The dress code is... stupid, moronic, obscure, meaningless, witless, trivial, and nonsensical.

Thank you, =)

Anyways, the dress code is so gay, that there's no other word for it. I normally don't use "gay" as an insult, but it's true. Our dress code is simply homosexual. Especially when my outfit isn't obscene at all, but I have to sit in the office for an hour anyway because it's button-up instead of collared.

Fuck our school. Honestly, I'd rather have a uniform at this point.

Pandora said...

I also would prefer uniforms. It'd make life so much simpler, and then we wouldn't have to worry about the differences in, say, red and maroon, because there would BE no differences.