Thursday, August 7, 2008

Stephenie Meyer's Breaking Dawn

Warning: This blog contains spoilers for Stephenie Meyer's new book "Breaking Dawn". You are forwarned. Do not read if you don't want it spoiled.

So, I know that I previously wrote how I like SM's Twilight trilogy-which is no longer a trilogy, but a series-but now I am ammending that. I just read "Breaking Dawn" and I was very disappointed. Overall, it was okay. A very nice read, and I will gladly admit that there were parts that had me laughing and wanting to re-readmany times. However, I dislike how SM changed the rules regarding her vampires. Previously- and I apologize, but I do not have the books to say which book and which page says this-SM said that vampires have no bodily fluid. If that is true, then how was it possible for Bella to get pregnant? It's not possible. In order for that to happen, Edward would need blood in a vital part of his body for that act, not to mention that SPERM is what causes people to become pregnant, and sperm is alive. We don't think it is, but it really is. So, if Edward is dead, and basically "frozen" at seventeen, wouldn't that mean his sperm is frozen as well, or dead? Just a thought.

And at the end when Nahuel-the other dhampir-shows up, it also goes against all her rules, because that means vampires are able to have children, or at least that male vampires can sire children with female humans. But once again, that calls for blood, and since SM already previously stated that they don't have that...Well, you get my point.

Also, what was up with Jacob imprinting on Renesemee? I mean, it's a bit akward imprinting on the half-human half-vampire daughter of your ex-love. And Jacob hates vampires. It's reather ironic that he imprints on a half-vamp, or dhampir. And really, Bella may have wanted him and her to be a big family, but his imprintation is a bit too much.

Moreover, Bella's transformation into a newborn was a bit of a letdown. Yes, her shield may be the reason that she is soo rational, and maybe it's because she was prepared, but the fact that she barely had any problems, and when she did, there were nothing large, just seems totally unfair. I mean, SM made Bella into the perfect newborn, with almost no angst. That goes totally against all her vampire history.

Anyways, that's most of my problemswith BD, but this reviewer makes many good points with which I agree completely with.

I know my views might not please some of SM's fans, but it's what I truly believe, so deal with it.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Yeah, I totally agree. People are like "Oh she only said FEMALE vampires can't get preggers". However, if Edward's little "soldiers" are frozen, how in the world does he knock up Bella? Makes no sense. Good review, much less biased than mine. ;)