Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I Hate Text Speak

OMG!! ays! ayfr?! idby..w/e.

Translate at your own risk.....or....tayor.

I am sick of text speech. In my honest opinion, if you're going to talk to someone, either type correctly, or don't talk at all. This might make me sound like a hypocrite, but I don't mind short ones, like 'brb' or 'lol', but other than those nice three letter ones, the rest are useless. And if you're going to spell a word, such as 'kewl', then spell it 'cool'! It's the same amount of letters, so what's so tough about it? Ooh, you spelled a word correctly, you must no longer be a scene. Big whoop-de-freakin'-doo. Or 'what'. It's not 'wut' it's 'what'.

So maybe this is me being a whining jerk. If that's the case, then fine, I'm a whining jerk. But honestly, stop spelling in waysthat are so hard to understand and start using the accepted language of English.


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