Sunday, May 3, 2009

Go Die Female Pride

So I was procrastinating doing homework, and I decided, what better way to procrastinate than to read manga. For those of you who don't know, manga is a basically comics. I know that's over simplifying things a bit, but that's really what it is. If you've heard of anime, such as Naruto, or Inuyasha, etc. then think of reading about then, except instead of just words, it's pictures. It's great for passing the time.

Anyways, I'm looking through the manga list on my favorite site called OneManga and I saw this author whose artwork I liked. So I looked at the stories he/she (I'm just going to call the author a she) had written, and the shortest one posted was also complete, so I decided, that's the one I'm going to read. Three short chapters, let's have it.

First off, the rating was mature. I can handle that, I'm mature enough, and I'm old enough. What I wasn't expecting was the message the author delivered. The premise of the story was that a boy (we're going to call him Bob) is in love with his childhood friend (we're going to call her Alice). The boy's a genius and popular, the girl's a nerd who's really dumb. Bob is able to get into a good school while Alice has to go to the"dumb"school, i.e. a community school. Three years later, they meet up again, and Bob decides to tutor Alice, so she can get into his prestigious school, mainly because he likes her and wants to have sex with her.

Alice agrees to his tutoring her, not really knowing his ulterior motive for having her go to his school, but it quickly turns into a sex lesson. And blah blah. Later on, they have sex, he publicly tricks her into admitting in front of her classmates they she loves having sex with him, only Bob can make her feel that good, and he bullies her. Bob also is a pervert who wants to have sex everyday.

So like I said, I can handle the whole, let's have sex whenever we want, but what I really hated was the message. Bob bullies Alice into having sex with him. He blackmails her, saying that if she doesn't have sex, he won't tutor her, which means that she can't get into the "good" school. And so she agrees. What is wrong with her? A better question is, what is wrong with the author? Is this really the message we want to send to young girls? Oh, so your boyfriend says that he loves you (Bob says that to Alice a lot before they have sex) and that he wants to have sex. Go right ahead. Ignore everything else, just go have kinky sex every day, just because he loves you. Because you know, that the "love" is going to last forever.

Another thing the author put in her manga is a girl talking to Bob and telling him that a girl who doesn't lay on her back for any guy, specifically her boyfriend, is the lowest thing there is. Hello? Does that make any sense? My boyfriend says he wants sex, so I'm just going to roll over like an obedient puppy and give him what he wants, because that's all I'm good for. I don't think so. If the author is a woman, which I think it is, then I am really disappointed in her. Manga's are really popular, and here she is, basically telling girls, it's alright if your boyfriend bullies you into having sex, as long as he "loves you" everything is okay. Besides, that's what you're there for, to have sex.

I think the author needs a reality check, because honestly, this idea just sucks.

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